Sunday, August 9, 2009


hello friends!!

With all the +ve feedback and comments from u all guys for my 1st post...i just got so excited , that i'm ready with my i promised...on a more serious topic...

Swine flu has been hogging headlines day after day...with new cases & deaths being reported everyday....i'm not very sure if our concerned authorities who claim "nothing to worry for all is in control"(what shit??)...have started circulars through newspapers or media to educate people abt swine flu..for frankly, i havent come across ne such what better topic i may get to write on...

some keynotes..
  • i have done a lot of research through net,wiki, televisions & newspapers...before writing down nethin...but still it may be possible that some of content is plzz don't sue me !!
  • i wont go into much technical details of the disease or its history...just about its aftermath.. & will try to ensure dat i cover most of the general points...but plzz remember...dis is just my take on disease..dont rely too much on me
  • the time u read dis post...some of the details could be outdated....for the virus is spreading by leaps n bounds...

Swine flu is a global outbreak of a new strain of influenza virus, officially named the "new H1N1", first identified in April 2009. it is not yet clear as to how the virus originated....It is thought to be a mutation of four known strains of the influenza A virus, subtype H1N1: one endemic in (normally infecting) humans, one endemic in birds, and two endemic in pigs (swine). Swine flu is an air-borne infection.

The outbreak began in Mexico, with evidence that Mexico was already in the midst of an epidemic for months before the outbreak was recognized. Till then it was too late...for the virus had spread globally and the WHO declared it a worldwide pandemic.The first swine flu case in India was confirmed somewhere in mid-may in Hyderabad.... by the end of June..there were hardly 15-20 infected patients in India. But the virus could not be contained...for it was inevitable

The no. of infected persons is exponentially growing...& so far their are around 900 confirmed cases in India(with pune & mumbai being the worst affected), 6 deaths...thousands of people suspected to have the virus...& millions of panic-stricken people getting themselves checked at various public hospitals across the country...With no vaccine yet found...looking at these figures...tackling swine flu has become the single most important task & it should be in no way taken lightly...Influenza can lead to pneumonia(if no taken proper medical care) that can prove fatal...In no way i mean to create panic among u guys...but dats the grim reality... :(

There are only 2 drugs effective against the virus, Tamiflu and Relenza. These drugs come at a high price with around 1900 bucks for 10 tablets(available only at certain public hospitals) Government has also been importing the WHO approved N-95 masks for preventing spread of the virus...but they are in tremendous goons are making quick bucks by black-marketing these drugs & masks (even d regular ones).

Although their are no proven vaccines yet discovered, here are some of the most basic things one must keep in mind for tackling swine flu:

How can i avoid getting the flu?
  • avoid touching your mouth and nose or other potentially contaminated places.
  • keep washing ur hands with soap on a very regular basis
  • avoid crowded places as much as possible..dat means no more weekend trips to clubs,malls or theatres....for u never know..d guy next to u might be a carrier of the virus.
  • avoid contact with sick people...and if u cant ...plzz use an N-95 mask..and if u cant get ur hands even on regular masks ( for masks are in tremendous shortage)..use handkerchiefs (i'm dead sure..they are available in plenty) fact i will advice you to wear masks whenever you are out of ur homes.
  • Have plenty of liquids & healthy outside food
  • Take great care of toddlers & elder people for they are more susceptible to this virus & the outcome could be severe in thier case becoz of thier low immunity.
How do i know if i have the flu?

naah...u cant tell whether u have d swine flu...for their symptoms are very similar to the seasonal flu...typical symptoms being...fever, sneezes, sore throat, cough,fatigueness, headache, body pain etc. Only a doctor can confirm if you r infected.

What to do in case i have the illness?

If u have any of the above symptoms...immediate refer to a doctor...strictly stay away from people, work, public places for it is highly contagious....take rest and have plenty of fluids...take great care of ur personal hygiene...wear masks 24/ not take any antiviral drug without the doctors may aggravate the situation & most importantly do not panic...for most cases are mild & definetly not deadly.The infection can be cured by proper medical care if diagnosed in its early stages.

Although it is too late for containment...we can work towards mitigating the effects of the virus. It is not just the duty of authorities, but us all to prevent the spread of this disease...Remember, it is just like any other seasonal must take all the precautions but at the same time not panic for hopefully by the end of this year..we will have proper vaccines & drugs...

Take care all!!



  1. Nice post...really gr8 information i might had not known much deeper about swine flu..I ll take precaution from now on..:). w8ting for more posts.

  2. really?? never thought nice to hear u liked it!!

  3. The history of the whole epidemic was pretty interesting. Symantec has taken huge strides in spreading awareness abt it, so knew most of the things u mentioned under precautions. A very important and timely post. Thanks a ton for it !!

    I wish us all a healthy life :)

  4. people here are in a super panic mode....even our college is shut for a week...n using masks will help? the virus is so small it`ll easily pass thru the pores re! well hopefully some good comes of this epidemic and people will improve their civic manners and not leave phlegm trails around the city.

  5. somthing better than try it
