Thursday, October 14, 2010

Those were the best days of my life

Its been a while, I stopped writing, for all I could do was to pity myself for all my previous immaturish posts, using gibberish & crude language. I dont want to sound humble, but this could very much be my first sincere & serious effort. My inspiration being, one of my newest friends, who herself recently started writing. There is so much I would like to express, about my college, family, friends, cisco, bangalore...the list goes on endlessly. Other things can follow later, but I would like to dedicate this post to all my college(bits-pilani) friends,for its long overdue, with whom I have shared the best phase of my life.
An average looking tall, slim & shy boy from Mumbai I was, whose life revolved around his school & family. I was like a frog in a well, for whom the outside world ceased to exist. When the realization finally struck me, I made up my mind, that I need to move out of my comfort zone, my home, family & Mumbai, which I still believe is the best place to live in the world. It came in the form of the day I got admitted into BITS-Pilani, which I can undoubtedly say, has to be the happiest day of my life.
All throughout my 4 years in BITS, I made some of my closest & life-long friends Arjit Chandra, Raghav Gupta, Vishal Vejani, Akshay Shastri, Neeraj Trikha, Pushp Saurav, Mrityunjay Kumar, Shashank Sharma, Vikalp Bharadwaj, Aditya Goel, Adarsh Singh, Chinmay Jain, Mayank Agrawal, Rajesh Kamath, Ashirvad Singh, Yashaswi Verma & all others who made significant impact on my life. Call it my willpower or my disregard for family(I do love my family a lot), I can shamelessly say, there hasn't been a single day all throughout my college, I have felt homesick.Period
Even while writing this post, I can feel the goosebumps for it reminds me of all the golden time Bosm, Oasis, Apogee, Anc, Sky, C'nott, Ganga, Redis, PD, Birthdays, Night-outs, Grubs, Dota, 29, Music night & a million other things for these events are etched in my memory forever. Life in bits has been a emotional rollercoaster with academic highs & lows, extreme climatic conditions, but you guys made it all not just bearable but also significantly memorable.Thank you guys, for helping me develop as an individual, changing my perspective of life & being there to overlook my numerous mistakes & guiding me all through.
All great things come to an end, & this one was no alien. We all went our respective paths, in different corners of the world not knowing what fate has in store for us. Today, when I look back as to what I have, I see the smiling faces of all my friends waving at me unbounded by space & time, who constantly keep on giving me motivation & act as a silver lining in times of distress & grief. I believe, Life comes a full circle & their will come a time, when we shall meet again. Dedicated to all my friends who made life worth-living.